• 70 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Are you me? I agree with basically all of this (though I do have some foresight as I am up to date on the manga). Last season, Aqua was edge-lordy for sure, but he was also quite extroverted when it suited him, like when he was on the dating show. The on-camera vs. off-camera personas of Aqua were quite different. In these rehearsals though, we only ever really see the off-camera version of him where he fashions himself as an avenger of sorts.

    Himekawa is listed as 19 iirc in his intro text when he shows up at first, so it’s not too bad since I think Kana is 17 or so here. He is simply such a good actor you fell for his 30-something year old character!

    Also agreed on the OP and ED. It is just the first episode though. I can’t say I was sold on the ED last season until they started to use it to great effect for dramatic outros. So, time to grow on me yet.

  • I am so on board for this. I adore the manga for this series, so I was a bit nervous about seeing it be adapted. However, the leads do a great job. Eiji is a remarkably goofy person and it comes across here well. The short manga chapters means that you get so many quick little scenes to inject that romance into your veins. I am guessing due to how quickly they knock out chapters that we are likely to get a complete adaptation this season. I am really looking forward to it.

  • Alright, so, this edge case popped up on a show last season too. Basically, AniList had the release date scheduled for Sunday (which is still the broadcast release date), then they later revised the release date to a point in the past. Because rikka is only looking forward in time for episodes, she missed the revision of the episode 1 release time, so she still is planning on making the thread on Sunday. I have worked a little on how to address this edge case, but decided to knock out the requestable and wiki modules of rikka first since keeping the wiki updated was taking much more of my time.

    As for the show, I am unable to find it available yet (even on the high seas). I see on AniList that it is available on abema, a Japan-only streaming service a couple days prior to general release. They must have revised their release date from the broadcast date to the abema streaming date. So, I would prefer to keep the post scheduled for Sunday when it is generally available if that is when people are actually going to be actively watching it.

    However, for episodes 2+, that means the post will get created a couple days early. So, either we live with early episode threads or I commit to making threads manually on the general release day (they should be requestable by anybody as well). I will think about the best way to handle this going forward.

  • I had a little bit of time today, so I thought I would check this out before a lot of other shows get going for the season. Overall, it was fine. I think Alya is a kind of fresh take on a tsundere in that she verbalizes her tsun in Japanese and then verbalizes her dere in Russian.

    I was kind of surprised that we learn so early in the story that the MC also knows Russian. I had figured that might make for a good reveal later. He has to basically act like he doesn’t understand in the same way that Miko has to pretend not to see ghosts in Mieruko-chan. Speaking of Mieruko-chan, this show reminded me of that in the fan service that felt a little out of place. Like, if Alya is too embarrassed to speak to the MC, why is she suddenly teasing him Nagatoro-style with stockings?

    In any case, I think there is good potential here, so I am going to try to give it another episode or two. I think a lot of the success or failure of this show is going to depend on the banter and chemistry between the main pair.

    @[email protected] I am in this screenshot and I don’t like it.

  • This episode had a lot of heavy lifting to do. It had to introduce the story of the play they are adapting, a whole lot of new characters, and fill us in on the motivations behind the characters that we already know. Overall, I think it handled all that quite well, though there were times where just too much was happening on screen at any given time with subtitles over subtitles, I had to rewatch certain portions to pick it up. We also didn’t get much Ruby and no Memcho this episode, but I am sure they will be coming soon.

    My favorite sequence through all of this episode is how they depicted Kana’s acting limiter being removed. Her and Himekawa had such a fantastic sequence together in rehearsal. @[email protected]

  • wjs018@ani.socialtoAnimemes@ani.socialKami
    3 days ago

    These are homophones in Japanese. Same thing as words like their/there/they’re or seas/sees/seize, etc. Words that sound the same but are written differently. The Japanese language has tons of them. Often, the ambiguity around homophones is used as a source of humor, causing misunderstandings between characters in anime/manga or puns that add a layer of humor to an otherwise normal thing to say.

  • Yeah, this only adapts the first chapter of the manga and Takuma kinda sucks here. I had kind of forgotten that this is how we are introduced to his character because it feels so different than how he acts in the rest of the story. Like, the obsessing over Mina is always there, but the drinking and overall patheticness are dialed back going forward and it is much more of just a romance.

    What are your thoughts on Mina’s voice? Unlike Mina, I have mixed feelings about it. I am hoping that I get more used to it as time goes on.

  • Yeah…I was excited for this one since I really like the manga. However, my excitement has dropped a bit after the first episode. I am not sure if I am going to get used to the Mina voice or not. I hadn’t watched any of the PVs before diving in since I knew this was one I was going to check out already, but…yeah…will take some getting used to. This might be one of those things that is done better in the manga format, where the dialog boxes are shaped differently to denote that Mina is speaking:

    Otherwise, this episode only adapts the first manga chapter, establishing the premise. Now that we got Takuma’s pathetic phase out of the way, we can focus on the actual fun part of the story. Reading into the OP and ED, it looks like we are going to get a pretty full cast of characters. However, some notable absences from the characters we see that I welcome:

    Manga Spoilers

    The robot research club students don’t seem to appear in the OP/ED which I find great because I think their part of the story is the weakest.

    Looking forward to see where this goes and I am hoping that the Mina voice won’t bother me as much going forward.

    @[email protected]