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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024

  • The “of course” makes it clear you dislike the outcome

    Only inasmuch as a desirable outcome would have been the lowering of the age of retirement for men to either that of women or meeting both on the middle. The issue is that the government being the government took it as an excuse to effectively cut welfare.

    The long mention of the men who in your eyes “caused” this

    To be honest it probably just brought it on sooner. The government would have found it as excuse to raise the retirement age without it being highlighted to them.

    also makes it pretty obvious what your stance is about this and who you want the scapegoat to be in the discussion.

    No, still don’t see it.

  • Just because it’s safe doesn’t mean it’s the best we have right now.

    • It’s massively expensive to set up
    • It’s massively expensive to decommission at end of life
    • Almost half of the fuel you need to run them comes from a country dangerously close to Russia. (This one is slightly less of a thing now that Russia has bogged itself down in Ukraine)
    • It takes a long time to set up.
    • It has an image problem.

    A combination of solar, wind, wave, tidal, more traditional hydro and geothermal (most of the cost with this is digging the holes. We’ve got a lot of deep old mines that can be repurposed) can easily be built to over capacity and or alongside adequate storage is the best solution in the here and now.

  • Sorry for coming on a bit strong.

    It had just started to feel like people were trying to say that I thought range anxiety was absolutely never legitimate.

    In reality most people will do maybe one journey a year where it could possibly be. For them they’ll have saved so much from reduced maintenance and running costs of an EV that they could hire an ICE vehicle for that one trip and still have saved themselves money.

    Of course if you’re way off the top end of the bell curve with your usage an EV may not yet be the best option for you.

  • then_three_more@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    12 days ago

    Sorry about the hoops issues, I clearly slightly misread

    However, two can play at being pedantic. I addressed your point about range anxiety before you even made it. As I said originally it is largely perception. I even went as far as to agree with you that in the 0.000001% of journeys you identified it would be an issue.

  • then_three_more@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    12 days ago

    jumping through hoops which doesn’t exist with gas cars.

    You have to physically drive to a different location to get petrol. That’s a hoop. Just because you’re used to it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

    What if I have 3 people driving, like in a road trip? You can’t continuously drive after refueling anymore. It isn’t just a perception thing, it absolutely requires planning and stops you wouldn’t take otherwise.

    It is a perception. The vast majority of trips this won’t be an issue. In the once in a bluemoon that you’ll be driving more than the range of the car, yes, it could be. This is where it’s perception. People seem to think that they’ll run commuting to work or half the journeys they take will be affected. Whereas it’s really really rare.

  • then_three_more@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    12 days ago

    On the one hand the Nokia 3310’s battery lasts a week. On the other hand the iPhone 15…

    Just plug your car in when you’re not using it like you’d charge your phone overnight. It’s only a problem if you can’t charge at home (due to on street parking and no charging facilities on that street) and you can’t charge somewhere you usually take your car (eg a workplace).

  • then_three_more@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    12 days ago

    Range anxiety is largely a perception thing. The vast majority of car journeys are well within the range of an EV, you just need to get in the habit of plugging in like you would your phone. For journey’s long enough for it to be more than a single charge you really should be stopping for more than a few seconds anyway as you need recharging.