When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @[email protected]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022

  • Totally agree…

    I’ve been using mint for the last 4 years, and while I have had to use the command line for some obscure installs, it also works as an OS without needing to use it (i jumped in at the deep end and installed it in a pc I got from my brother and used it as my everyday OS)

    I don’t understand why Mint isn’t the first suggestion for Linux ‘virgins’ switching over from Windows etc, it has everything you need pre installed plus the download manager for anything else

    Linux has a flavour for everyone, and after a while when you’re confidence and skills grow there is the fun of using the command line and a bit of tinkering…or not, if you are happy with the ‘basics’

  • Well that’s worse than useless…

    I’m fully convinced it’s a house for sex parties. Glossy wipe down surfaces for added hygiene, plus the plastic covers on the seats and table, a pointless sink to rinse your dick in, the weird bedroom/toilet/utility room. It’s high up on a hill so there’s the potential for some al fresco fucking, a marque out front…I’ve clearly been thinking a lot about this

    edit- I forgot about the glass gimp box under the stairs…