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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • I am not sure this is a wide spread behavior among the IT. Reading the “Debian Free Software Guidelines”, we could have some doubts. My point is not that free software are good or bad, but that is not enough. If we want te be responsible as producers, we have to organize as such to stop production that killing us (with climat change or military for example) and promote the one that emancipate us. Free software are a way to achieve the last one, unions the fist one

  • menas@lemmy.wtftoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux in the military
    6 days ago

    I said such things too, but one day I ask myself, could I said it in front of people bombed by my tools ? Our tools are not neutral things, but produce and distribute by social relationship that we could fight. Sorry but we the rise of fascism and ecological disaster we could not afford to give up our power as producer to mass murderer

  • The fascist issue is not a biggest concern than in Germany, US, France, and certainly not than in Russia. Of course every fascist must be fought, but it’s easy to denounce far-right in other countries. In the hearth of capitalism, a consistent anti-imperialist position shall fight the imperialism state. I’m not fan of the dude, but that pretty basics leninism

    About “nazi” that came to the west, it’s true, but your examples are very bad. Yea every male in germany during the 3rd Reich have to join the army. Of could they could desert, and having their family and their own life threaten, but that’s not make them nazi. None of them were in the nazi party or one of its organisation (like the SS). Adolf Heusinger may be another case, being a general is not the same responsibility and agentivity This a bad job because there is a lot of example of fascists kept at position of power in many countries, including the occupied germany and the french vichists. This lead to fascists laws and institutions being kept in those countries (some brigades dedicated to kill resistance converted in “anticriminal brigade” for example), and being used against decolonization.

    TL;DR you could demonstrate nazification of western countries, but in repeating russia propaganda, you fail to do so.

  • Pretty good stuff.

    However I read many reactions : “don’t take your phone with you” This is a common issue in a lot of activist place to don’t ask ourselves why people are acting like this ? before telling them to stop. They may have good reasons, and in a case of protests, there is.

    • Filming the cops : I don’t know in the US, but in a lot of countries, cops are less violent when they know someone is filming them. This may help people harmed by the police, in giving them evidence, or helping mobilization in the futur. After mass arrestation, it could be hard to know how as been arrested or not; some legal support hotline ask this kind of evidence for this reasons. Of course this some sensitive material, and need to be secured too. For example, the cops may target you if you are filming them.

    • Calling the legal support hotline : Some of them ask to be called just after arrestation or cops actions, to make a precise report. You could call them when someone you know have been attacked or kidnapped by the police.

    • Call medial support : I don’t know how the emergency number is linked with the repressive force in the US, but in a lot of country, it’s not. Even if it’s rare, it could be a vital issue.

    All this actions are important and individuals should compare the risks they take in taking them and what we lost in not acting like that. Of course this risks have to be documented; with flyers at the start of a protests for example.

    I would recommend to mutualise actions to decentralize risks. Make a team with one or two people with burned phone and dedicated camera (paid by everyone); let your other phones at home. Stay (at least) by pair, and keep in eye someone with a phone.

    They may be better plan of actions, but we couldn’t just let down cop watch ant street medic just for the illusion of individual safety. Such thing simply do not exist