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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Although this wasn’t the worst, it most certainly could have been, and always comes to mind when questions like this are brought up.

    I was on a job site. A half dozen houses were being built simultaneously. I walked too close behind an excavator, which abruptly turned. I nearly got hit in the head by the back end of that thing - which is all ballast and has tremendous mass. I almost got myself sent to the emergency room, and it would have been 100% my fault.

    At the moment, I was just glad that none of the guys on my crew saw me pull such a rookie move. I didn’t think about it seriously until I got home that day. That excavator would’ve shattered my cheap plastic construction helmet like it was an eggshell. I could have died.

  • I hope that India doesn’t make the same mistakes my county (America) made, such as trying to be a major international player while ignoring the people in need at home. They’re already going that way, but there’s time to change course.

    Also, I’d like them to fix their issues with Pakistan. That border was drawn by the British specifically to cause problems, and falling into that trap is letting the previous colonizers win.

  • He argued people should read the book before criticizing it, and declined to share a photo of the disguise he used during the writing process.

    Real researchers are very explicit and forthright about their methodology…

    “If people are looking for a minstrel show, they should look somewhere else.”

    …and don’t insult people who ask legitimate questions about their work.

    “Nobody has an experiential barometer with respect to race, for that matter,” he writes. “Nobody except for me… My barometer is better than anyone else’s.”

    Exceptionally arrogant and (unsurprisingly) quite wrong.


    He describes his own writing in Seven Shoulders as a “tremendous literary achievement” and a “tremendous achievement in the realm of civic progress.”

    More arrogance, in case you missed any of the other examples.

    I don’t know what this guy’s deal is, but he’s doing everything possible to avoid being taken seriously. I happen to think that another book done as professionally and seriously as Black Like Me may be insightful and useful. Based on what I’ve seen so far, though, I don’t think that this self-aggrandizing stunt comes anywhere close to that standard.