Developer and refugee from Reddit

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If it’s personal behavior, there is no line.

    Seriously, we need to internalize this: If you support Donald Trump in 2024 at this point, there is no goddamn line. There is nothing too atrocious or puerile or insulting to his own base that he could do or say to lose them at this point. He owns them.

    I used to joke that he could literally eat a baby live on stage at one of his rallies and not lose supporters, because he’d insist it was fake news even as the blood dripped down his chin.

    It’s not a joke anymore. He really could do it, and far too many of his supporters would believe him over their own lying eyes.

    Trump support, at this point, is a mental health crisis in this country.

  • Wow. This is… wow. OK, look… I like the sentiment, the idea that healthy relationships in general should be depicted more often, but can you name the last ten shows or movies you watched that feature healthy depictions of LGBTQ+ relationships? I can, because those depictions are so rare they stand out. I can’t name the last ten shows or movies I watched with straight relationships in them, because that’s literally all of them. Yes, including the ones that also depicted LGBTQ+ relationships.

    There needs to be more healthy representation of relationships. But specifically straight ones? Nah… We’re saturated with those enough already.

  • kescusay@lemmy.worldOPMtoNot The[META] Help!
    29 days ago

    You do raise some valid points, but the problem here is that if we go that route, we might as well rename this community from “Not The Onion” to “Politics But Focused Mostly On Hypocrisy”.

    I don’t think most of the people in this community want this to be a politically-focused community to the exclusion of everything else. We don’t want every article on the front page to be yet another “Trump did/said something hypocritical again.” That’s not Onion-y.

  • kescusay@lemmy.worldOPMtoNot The[META] Help!
    30 days ago

    I mean, I’m not gonna dispute that reality has been resembling The Onion more and more, but it’s important that the headlines convey that Onion-y goodness, and too many lately haven’t or are really borderline. People come here to say to themselves, “Holy shit, I can’t believe that’s a real headline!” Not “Holy shit… now I’m depressed. Oh, and that headline… is depressing.”

  • Hey, I try to keep a hands-off approach to modding as much as possible, but you’re right, this has indeed gotten out of control.

    I’d appreciate it if people would report posts that don’t belong here more, because otherwise I’m not likely to see them until they’ve already gathered a ton of comments, and I’m hesitant to remove posts at that point.

    So… Thanks for posting about this.

  • Why?

    Because Iran is a Russian ally and Russian proxy.

    Biden is doing this - he is threatening the ICC and ICJ

    No, he isn’t. Where in the world are you getting the idea that he’s literally “threatening” either?

    Biden is not doing this. We have not stopped weapon shipments and have clearly been unable (more like unwilling) to stop or prevent Israel’s genocide

    Dude, we temporarily halted shipments earlier this month to put pressure on Netanyahu. Were you sleeping?

    Also, Israel is not our ally. Their geopolitical interests align with Putin. Which is why they are trying to get Trump elected so that they can destroy the remnants of the “rules based international order” and begin in earnest their conquest of Greater Israel

    Netanyahu’s interests may align with Putin, but only insofar as both seem hell-bent on destabilizing the region. Putin would gladly let Iran stroll right into Israel and slaughter everyone in it. Israel’s own actual interests do not remotely align with Putin’s.

  • Every time I encounter the “don’t vote” brigade, my first thought is that it’s a Russian or Chinese troll trying to get Trump elected again.

    My second thought, which is a bit more nuanced, is some introspection on what Biden is actually doing. He has three options with regards to Israel, none of them good.

    1. He could deny them weapons, which would inevitably lead to outright war with Iran and an increase in Russian influence in the region, as well as a loss of an ally.
    2. He could fully commit to Netanyahu’s madness (i.e., what Trump wants to do), fully empowering genocide while using no political leverage on Israel. This would also ultimately lead to broad regional warfare, which will also likely increase Russian influence in the region.
    3. He could try to limit the damage by imposing conditions on weapons sales and attempt to thread the needle, recognizing Hamas for the grotesque terrorist organization it is while using political pressure to prevent as much needless death of civilians as possible. This is what Biden is trying to do.

    I don’t know that Biden is doing a very good job with #3, but #1 would be a catastrophe, and #2 is what Trump wants.

    This is a shitty situation in every conceivable way. Our ally, Israel, is currently being run by a corrupt and genocidal freak. There are no good answers to a situation like that beyond Israel coming to its senses and throwing Netanyahu in prison. But there are plenty of really bad answers, and Trump would be the worst.

  • This is partially true. The rich have definitely benefited more than everyone else. But the actual statistics don’t lie… Wages are not actually stagnant, they’ve been ticking upward, and it’s finally happening faster than inflation. It’s not helping everyone, of course, but it’s not all doom and gloom, either. And inflation really is down - importantly, lower than the global average by quite a bit.

    I’m not going to argue that everything is going perfectly, because it’s clearly not. For one thing, everything that can get passed in the House has to overcome Republican obstruction right now, only to face Republican obstruction in the Senate, too. We have a half-&-half government where one half is sociopathic, and that’s not amazing. In fact, while some economic indicators are good, the whole thing does appear pretty fragile.

    Which is kinda the thesis of my original comment.