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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Greedy people are more likely to end up wealthy. Greedy people are also more likely to end up doing ethically dubious things.

    Of course, any wealth at all is unethical if you’re being honest with yourself. There’s a famous passage in the Bible.

    Jesus was out teaching his disciples or healing people- whatever he did. And a rich man comes up to him and asks

    “Jesus, I want to follow you and go to heaven. Please tell me what I should do”

    What did Jesus say? Jesus told him to a) sell all of his shit b) give that money to charity c) physically follow me around

    What did rich guy do? Have an epiphany about morality and living the good life?

    No, he cried. He cried because he didn’t actually want to let go of the good things he had for morality.

    All of us in first world nations are guilty of this to some extent. The way our world is shaped you essentially have to be unethical to survive. There are levels to it, of course. But I think your perspective is too black and white and needs a little nuance. Seem like a teenager.

  • It’s a question of

    How much effort (man hours which ultimately translates to $$$) versus how much revenue lost (people not buying because of Firefox bugs)

    In my experience this depends on your specific application. Sometimes there are weird bugs or behavior where you have to really hunt down what’s going on. Other times it’s as simple as changing a few css lines or something.

  • I view India as a rising power that has the potential to rival China and the USA. I think the culture is backwards in many ways and advanced in others. I don’t like your current administration, but I do think India overall has interesting politics. I mean, you guys have an active Maoist insurgency. Pretty wild for the 21st century.

    I tend to get along well with Indians I meet in the states. I appreciate India long history and cultural impact (Buddha came from India for example). There were democracies in India before Athens was a thing.

    All in all India’s a rising power with a lot of potential. Unfortunately I don’t think they will reach China-status anytime soon because they don’t exercise as much central control as China does.

    In some ways this is good, Cultural Revolution wasn’t exactly a great experience for a lot of people. But in other ways it means the Indian government doesn’t have the power to reshape India in a way where it can successfully rival the European powers.

  • I consider myself a libertarian and I believe in free healthcare. I think certain industries should not be run for profit. It creates perverse incentives that harm the common man. For example healthcare.

    If there’s a profit incentive in bealthcare, there is incentive for drug companies or hospitals to raise their prices. This would mean less people getting treatment or more people in medical debt.

    Another industry I think shouldn’t be for profit is education. We want an educated population. It should be encouraged, so it should be free for anyone who wants it.

    In my view, libertarianism is a perspective that the government should interfere with the personal liberties of the individual as little as possible.

    Every single government action should be heavily scrutinized and challenged. Some actions are justified. For example regulating healthcare I think is justified. You are taking away the liberty of starting a hospital - but the benefits outweigh the costs.

    I believe that cooperatives should be encouraged if not explicitly mandated for large companies.

    I think to Chomsky’s conception of anarchism. Look at all hierarchies of power and challenge them. Some are justified - the power a father has over his child. Some are not - the power a cash advance place has over their customer base.

    I think governments often make mistakes and through heavy handed actions end up screwing the average person. By dramatically limiting government action, you help prevent this.

    Remember the government is not your friend.