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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Fucking public freakout weirdly broke a lot of news for me back on Reddit.

    George Floyd, the protests, crazy trump news, Myanmar… Strangely what sticks out is the Target fire extinguisher lady on a rascal that ended up being parodied in Atlanta. Like, I saw that shit live completely accidentally.

    It was crazy how before something had a chance to hit the news, someone already had a full video (sometimes even with context) posted.

    The user base was terrible at times, and likely is now again. But there was a period when so much crazy shit was going on, that it actually had rational takes the crazy was diluted enough.

    It was just nuts to have a random Livestream up, and see huge national news stories unfolding live or at least immediately after filming.

    I don’t think people realized how all that shit lead to political engagement in 2020, people were fucking pissed and motivated.

  • I wasn’t “born rich”.

    But my mom was born dirt poor. Like, the Beverly Hillbillies looked rich in the intro before they struck oil poor. Didn’t have indoor plumbing till she was a teenager poor. Dinner was what her older brothers shoot after school poor.

    She made it to small town middle class. I moved to a city and I’m “city middle class” which is practically non existent these days. It’s all subjective. If I moved back to the hill I’d be like Jed Clampett coming home for a family reunion.

    I don’t make a lot (more than most tho in my area, but not even close to 6 figures). But because of my upbringing and being able to avoid lifestyle creep, I have a very good buffer and don’t stress about bills piling up.

    So instead I stress when my buffer is low.

    I freak out if emergency savings is less than 5 digits, I imagine for the really wealthy, it’s the same just a higher number.

    They might not stress about keeping the lights on, but they stress when their “high score” drops. It’s just how human brains work. There’s human variation, but if someone doesn’t have that mentality, they’re not going to stay crazy wealthy.

    Which is why the saying goes:

    First generation makes wealth, second saves wealth, third wastes wealth.

    Usually to prolong generational wealth longer than that, someone from the first or second generation has to protect it via trusts so their kids literally can’t fuck it up but sometimes they still find a way

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNever buy .xyz
    17 days ago

    Yeah, dude tried to open his own personal Netflix and is surprised it got taken down.

    From post history he managed to keep it up for less than a month.

    I’m betting by “friends” he meant either online friends he’s never met, or people he wanted to impress.

    So they gave zero fucks and handed it out to more people. Like, just the idea that you’re giving it to so many people that you actually buy a domain?

    There’s a reason everyone isn’t already doing it already.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoNot The Onion@lemmy.worlddel
    20 days ago

    This paper explores a hypothesis concerning Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), and follows another by the same first author focusing on a related hypothesis recently published in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (Lomas, 2023a). Essentially, the discourse around UAP is dominated by two main classes of explanation: a conventional terrestrial origin (e.g., human technology), or an extraterrestrial origin (i.e., advanced civilizations arriving from elsewhere). However, such is the strange nature of many UAP that observers close to the topic have been compelled to consider a more unconventional set of theories known collectively as the “ultraterrestrial” hypothesis. This denotes a broad category of conjecture centred around the possibility that UAP may involve forms of non-human intelligence (NHI) that are already present in Earth’s environment in some sense, which Puthoff (2022) describes as “sequestered terrestrial cultures… existing alongside us in distinct stealth.” One is an “interdimensional” hypothesis, which was the focus of the previous paper; this suggests UAP may involve beings from dimensions that coexist alongside the four dimensions of spacetime we usually perceive, and/or that UAP occupants are “extratempestrial,” traveling through the fourth dimension to visit different periods of Earth’s history, which may involve our descendants returning to study their own hominin evolutionary past (Masters, 2019, 2022).

    Statistically speaking, this is more likely than aliens…

    This is just also incredibly unlikely.

    Like if I lost a pen in a study room, and all my friends said they didn’t take it…

    A ghost would be outside a reasonable explanation, but a drugged up monkey that escaped into the schools air vents also sounds unlikely, but is at least plausible.

    I mean, what kind of Dean runs a community college with monkeys living in air vents?

  • The myth that if you put enough men together in one place that they will automatically start becoming toxic is

    Not what I’m talking about about.

    I’m saying men can just use the “default” ways to get help.

    So while a “men only” safe space may start out beneficial, eventually more and more extreme views will be oresented. Which over time will drive off the normal men who started the community.

    Because they still have default paths for help.

    This concentrates the crazy, as more normals leave, it moves the tone of the space, which leads to either more normal men leaving, or staying and becoming radicalized.

    And even the ones that leave later, are leaving a little worse than they showed up. They’re taking that change of tone back out in public. And effecting the default tone as well

    I understand where you’re coming from, but you’re not thinking it all the way thru.

    Good intentions, bad plans.

    And this isn’t my hypothetical either, this is how most incel communities are created.

    I’ll find a source and edit it in if you haven’t replied yet.


    I can’t find a source on it now.

    But what I’m remembering was a discussion on how the literal r/mensrights sub became so radicalized.

    It started out with decent normal men who were discussing things like custody rights.

    But because they wanted it to be about men’s right and empowerment in general, they let people talk about other stuff. As more and more extremists showed up, the original members slowly left. It was a “frog boil” where those extremist views slowly became the default.

    The more I think about it, the more I think it might be like a John Oliver or Jon Stewart segment and not an article.

    But trying to search isn’t getting me anything, if I specify the sub in the search, I just get results from the sub about bullshit.

    So hopefully my explanation makes sense.