Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Personally, I’ve always hated this notion of a nuclear family, and that there is some standard that people must go by, lest you be weird or lesser of a person. The more that times goes on, and the economy is the way it is, the more I feel justified in my thinking.

    I lived with my folks into my late 20s. I only moved out because I went on a date with a girl, and never left. She never said anything, so I kept going back to her place. It just sort of happened. If I hadn’t met her, I don’t know when I’d have moved out of my parent’s house.

    If your mother is okay with it, why the hell not? She probably enjoys the company. I currently live alone, except the weeks I have my kids, and while I do enjoy time to myself, I look forward to having my boys around. I’ve told my sons that no matter how old they are, or what happens in their life, they will always have a home with me. My youngest (9) states he is never moving out, and he’s not one to joke about that. 😅

    I say, if it works for you and your family, do it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and fuck off to anybody who says otherwise.

  • I too don’t feel love; as in I there is not a physiological sensation that I can point to that is distinct for “love”. I know what sadness and anger feel like. I know what it feels like to disassociate from trauma. But I do not have a physical reaction to love.

    I do, however, notice my attitude and behavior toward the things and people I love. I am kinder, more gentle, excited to be with, and would do just about anything for them. I prefer their company over being alone. And even if I’m mad at them, I still “love” them because I still want to be around them.

    Maybe I’m weird and broken or something. I don’t know. But I used to worry that I didn’t have the capacity for love like society suggested I should. But then I realized that I do genuinely love things, even if I can’t feel it.

  • I get where you’re coming from, but given the cost of equipment these days, it’s important to consider whether or not the zero-config big box brand stuff will be around long enough to be worth the cost. While it’s a PITA to spend your efforts setting this all up, doing it yourself using open protocols can be worth it in the long run. And 9 out of 10 times, when you do it yourself, you can just leave it alone and forget about it.

    Edit: there is a good write-up between zigbee and matter, and for ease of use it looks like matter would be better for your use cases.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's going. I'm alive.
    9 days ago

    I climb hand over hand closing my eyes

    Too scared to look down I climb hand over hand

    Putting distance between I and I and the ground

    I get to the top I stand on the edge

    I look to the sky and say all my prayers

    What could be better than a swan dive into the asphalt?

    I don’t know

    Nothing can be better than a swan dive into the asphalt

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust sprinkle it on
    23 days ago

    …it’s not valid to conclude from the fact that God created evil that He must therefore be evil, because He created good as well. At best you could say He is neutral.

    I hate splitting hairs, but in this case I do feel it’s an important distinction to point out that I said he must “also be evil”; in the sense of being in addition to good, he is also evil. So he is both things, and not just one or the other.

    In my personal experiences with Cristians, I have often heard how “God is good” because of all the good things (more often in reference to things other people have done to solve a problem; e.g., doctors, nurses, and firefighters), and that anything considered bad or evil is the work of Satan. At the same time, Christians that I have known are all too happy to acknowledge that God created everything, yet thy conveniently fail to acknowledge that evil is one of those things having been created too.

    And for what it’s worth: while my focus here in this conversation has been on the negatives I see in life, that does not mean I do not acknowledge and rejoice in the positives when they present themselves. Mind you, I do suffer from depression and suicidal ideation, so I will acknowledge that it can be difficult from time to time to remember the positives when I feel like I’m drowning in the negatives.

    Do with that as you will. I do thank you for the opportunity for discussion. 😊

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust sprinkle it on
    24 days ago

    Remember kids, God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and created EVERYTHING; including evil and suffering.

    This means that God created evil, knowing full well what that meant for us humans. He knew Adam was going to eat the apple, and lie to him about it, but still got angry that he was lied to; so angry that he damned the rest of humanity as punishment.

    So if God created evil, and knew what that would do for all of humanity, and it was a part of his great plan to do so, then God must also be evil.

    You can’t have it both ways. He can’t be good and not evil if he created evil. He also lets it happen. He can’t be good and not evil if he knows every mistake we will make, and knowing the impact of our mistakes (i.e., the other people it affects). This makes God culpable for our sins, yet he is not held accountable for his inaction.