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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Lemon does sound like it’d be a lot of sour in addition to the vinegar itself.

    I used powdered ginger and thought fresh grated would be the way to go. I also feel it’d be easier to strain it if the final drink.

    Overall I thought it was good though. I gave some to my girlfriend not telling her what it was and she thought it was some vile beer type thing that went bad. 😆

    I’d absolutely drink it again though. With some tweaks it’d be really good. I am solidly pro switchel.

  • I think I had watched his switchel and shrub videos too!

    I want to say it was Alton Brown where I first learned about these. I’ve made shrub a few times and even had it at the local Pennsylvania German heritage fairs.

    Since I had the stuff on hand, I quick threw some together, just eyeballing the ingredients. It’s pretty darn good!

    Main flavor is obviously molasses, so if you don’t like that, you won’t like switchel. The ginger and vinegar work together very nicely! Both bring a nice zing and brightness to the drink. It contrasts well with the warm and earthy flavor of the molasses.

    I put most of it in the fridge for after work as it’s going to be a super hot day again and I didn’t want a vinegar taste in my mouth overpowering my coffee.

    If you have the stuff, I absolutely recommend it.

  • True, but it is the manga that’s the artists’ work. Anime is (usually) an adaptation by someone else. I always appreciate when they put in similar effort, but I’m appreciative when they just adapt things faithfully. Looking at you, Promised Neverland!

    Golden Kamuy is a meme with the bad CG animations that sometimes get put in. The bear is the famous one that looks like a cut n paste hack job.

    But it is what it is. For action orientated anime especially, I’m just happy they get animated so I can follow the action better. My brain can fill in the missing bits.

  • Always looked forward to the color cover art of his! I’ll have to read more Junji Ito. Someone just the other week informed me of Enigma of Amigara Fault and I really liked that.

    Komi is on my list, but my brain always confuses it with Aharen-san Is Indecipherable, which I’ve already seen.

    Having watched anime from the 80s on, the low quality stuff nowadays I typically don’t notice. As long as the stories are good and the voices aren’t terrible, that’s pretty much all I need.

  • I’m totally caught up on the OP manga. I’m at the end of Dressrosa in the anime.

    If you know enough to get those Gintama references, you should be good to go. The first like 40ish episodes (up until the first movie) it’s pretty much a Seinfeld show-about-nothing type of thing, but it sets you up with many of the huge cast of reoccurring characters and sets the baseline for all to come. By the last few seasons though you won’t recognize anyone as you have so much backstory to everything going on and their mundane adventures of trying to afford their next meal have scaled up so slowly to a space epic. You really grow with them all so much along the way, and I feel the world is even more fleshed out than One Piece if you can imagine. If you know some basics of Japanese history in regard to them losing their isolation with outside countries and some basic shogun/samurai/shinsengumi history you will get some of the deeper and IRL cultural references as well. Some 10 minute Youtube videos will give you more than enough. Some characters are historical figures, parodies of course, but knowing that they were real people will make it funnier as well. I wouldn’t call this historical fiction at all, but a very light alternate history wouldn’t be inaccurate.

    I watched season 1 of JJK, liked it enough to pick up the manga, but dropped both. I’m in my 40’s now, so it has to be a standout shonen to get me into it at this point. It just felt like it went more teen than adult to me as it went on. I dropped it for Chainsaw Man and I stick by that decision.

    That reminded me, I was going to say Steins’ Gate is seinen so it’s directed more to adults, and that reminded me of another awesome and underrated show: Golden Kamuy! It follows and Ainu girl (aboriginal Japanese) and an ex-soldier on a treasure hunt where the map is tattooed on vicious killer escaped prisoners! It is very much historical fiction, but full of gags and comedy, but you learn a lot about the Ainu people which I though was outstanding stuff I had never heard of. The story was awesome too. Lots of alliance shifting and backstabbing and plots, and nice brutal combat scenes and some great villains! If you want something more adult but still with juvenile humor (nudity jokes, poop jokes, penis jokes) this is what you want. English dub is great too IMO, that’s the one I watched. It was the first manga I read because I couldnt wait to find out what happened next. Amazing storytelling and historical research. If you read the manga, each ends with notes going over the real history of the people and places in that chapter. It even earned a museum tour near the end of its run!

  • When I saw the post title, I was going to say One Piece. I checked out some random episodes years ago, and it was too weird just jumping in the middle (where they met Chopper at the time) so I gave up on it, and then it got too big to get into. My friends finally pressured me into picking it up, and I read the manga in about 6 months and now I’m 3/4 through the anime and love it so much after over 20 years of anime watching. It’s just such a fun world and I love all the characters, good and bad alike. How it’s still so exciting after all this time is amazing and it’s so awesome that all the plotlines keep intersecting like it’s been planned out all along.

    Since we’ve already got that one checked off, I love Steins’ Gate as a sci fi fan. Go in blind for the best experience.

    Gintama is amazing, but it starts pretty slow and doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere, but then you really get hooked on the characters and the world like with One Piece. Eventually though, it turns into something HUGE and it’s like it’s gradually evolved into something epic. It’s got a ton of anime/manga references, which will make it even funnier once you’ve seen more shonen stuff. I love it, but it’s totally not a show for everyone, but I watched it all through Covid lockdown and it was one of the best rides of my life. It’s One Piece-ish, but in a very smartass way. They break the fourth wall, make fun of you for watching, there’s many disgusting bits, the reuse animation on purpose, the characters are totally insane. Replace One Piece’s pirates with aliens, the MC is a mix of Luffy and Zoro, and instead of searching for a treasure, they’re fighting an epic space war.

  • It’s more of a warehouse job than a science job, so I’m probably not qualified to help, but I love learning, so I did some reading.

    Different mixes of CO² and nitrogen are available for both carbonating/nitrogenizing beer, and further mixes designed to pressurize the lines for dispensing. Replacement beverage o-rings seem to come in a number of materials from polyurethane, silicone, teflon, and others and looking at o-ring compatibility charts, they all seem to both be listed as compatible for nitrogen and CO².

    Since you’re not dealing with liquid gas, I don’t think you need to worry so much about material as if you’re using something food safe made for beverages, it doesn’t seem to be an issue what they’re made of or which gas you use as far as I can find. You also shouldn’t need to worry about the nitrogen freezing the CO² and forming dry ice from the amount I could imagine you using at home.

    Without knowing more about what exactly you’re working on, that’s the best general help I can dig up. Depending on what exactly you’re doing, finding a good homebrew or scuba shop/forum could probably get you the most reliable answer to what you’re working on since they’ll both be blending those gases in a manner safe for the human body.

    I hope that was at least marginally helpful!

  • I’m glad to see there’s a few of us in the 5 figure salary club here!

    I’m scientific support for a major pharma company. I tell people my job is essentially to be Hank Hill, as I’m in charge of compressed and liquid gases. I keep everyone squared away with liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, liquid argon, and any number and size of gas cylinder.

    It’s not a bad job. Pay is ok for what I do, people are generally nice, and most days I’m done the bulk of my work in 2-3 hours, so the rest of the time is mine unless someone needs something.

    The rest of the day I’ll prep and respond to posts here, study music, read comics or books, and watch cartoons. Nobody seems to care as long as the work gets done.

    It’s low stress and a decent environment, so I got no complaints. It’s not as good as my last job, doing data analysis of hazardous chemicals. The place was generally run really well and almost all my work was doing daily reports on inventory. I made macros to do everything, so my work was done in less than half an hour most days and I got to work at home.

    Being a nobody in pharma is pretty great as long as your group is cool.

  • Yes, but one typically enters into a business partnership with people they know and trust. One isn’t supposed to really dive into the deeper characteristics of someone they rent to so as to avoid potential discrimination. Look at this the same way whoever you work for hires people. HR vets them and says, this person is who they say they are, and probably won’t burn the place down or singe-handedly put us out of business. Same for finding a renter for a property basically. Now how thrilled would you be to be forced to co-own a property with monetary and legal liability with your least favorite coworker for the next 20-40 years?

    When the time comes to spend $20k to replace the roof on your shared home, you care about the home and want it done right and say, hey so-and-so, you got $10k for your half of the roof? So-and-so says nah, I actually don’t have any money, but me and my buddy can replace that roof ourselves for $5k in materials, so give us the $5k and we’ll do it and our half will be the labor even though neither of us are roofers. Same with landscaping. Painting. Plumbing. Flooring. All things that just need replacing with time, even if you take care of them. And now So-and-so lives in your home for 10 years, trashing it, never helping fix anything right, and making the place liveable, but not as great as it was before he moved in or as good as you wanted to make it. And now since he’s a renter still, he says, you know, this place isn’t as good as it was, I’m out. Now you not only get to pick up the full tab to get it up to snuff for the next renter, but you possibly get to do it all over again.

    I bought my ex’s grandmother’s house after she passed that had a rental on it. I lived there for 2 months before we split, and that 2 months was enough landlording for a lifetime to me. That guy took advantage of everything possible, called me the middle of the night when power went out for the whole neighborhood, and after I left he brought home bedbugs. He had an arrangement to fix things around the place with her grandmother. None of that stuff was ever done. We had to threaten legal action for him to finish up what he actually had started. This is what your scenario allows to happen without penalty to the tenant.

    Renters don’t all want to be property owners. They don’t want the responsibility of maintaining a property. I live in a condo because I dont want to mow lawns, worry about siding and shingles and fighting grub infestations and maintaining a parking area. Owning a single family home isn’t for me, and I’ve found a happy medium where I don’t rent, but I don’t have full responsibility. If you don’t want to be a property owner, you’re not going to be a good property owner and your neighbors will hate you for having the crappy house on the block. I’m sure you have one of those people in your neighborhood.

    Again, we need people thinking about how to resolve the housing situation in many parts of the world, but forced business relationships aren’t good. UBI, social security, disability, food stamps, housing subsidies. People need the cash to live a life they can find comfortable. Let them buy, let them rent, whatever they feel comfortable doing. Set ordinances how much housing can be owned by people not using them as primary residence. They’re tough fights, but that’s what needs to be examined. I’m all for tenants’ rights, but they don’t have the same skin in the game as the owner. That doesn’t make them inferior in any way. But they don’t shoulder burden beyond making rent. And that can be a valuable thing. I could never see myself renting, but my brother on the other hand doesn’t seem to want to own a house. He does enough work doing construction he doesn’t want to deal with all that crap at home. I don’t blame him.

    Home ownership sucks many times, and for someone to take a reasonable fee to bear that responsibility isn’t wrong. I pay a property management company $200/mo to enforce rules on me, but also my neighbors to make sure we don’t get that guy trashing things. They make sure the neighbor’s dryer lint doesn’t burn my house down. They negotiate the rate with the garbage man. They get the sidewalks cleared when it snows. So I pay someone to basically be my landlord even though I own my home. They provide a service, and if you get a crappy one, being a renter you can find a new one. I don’t get a choice, but thankfully my HOA is pretty decent all considered. They earn their money. Sometimes they tick me off, but they overall earn their fees. A good landlord is the same. I’m for having strict rules that they provide safe and clean spaces to live if they’re going to rent to others, but most are not faceless corporations, they’re regular people that have landlord as a day job or side gig. I know the heads of my HOA outside of that role, and they’re good people. As I said, sometimes they annoy me with decisions, but they have more people than just me to keep happy. A landlord is just another service provider and there are good ones and bad ones, and a lot of meh ones. If you rent, you get some choice at least in who it is.

  • Don’t take this as a criticism, but do you own a home?

    How would changing property values be accounted for, and how often is the appraisal done, and who pays for that? Can a landlord sell his rentals to someone else while they are rentals? If no, why not? What incentive does a landlord have to keep a property nice and safe if x% is no longer theirs? If the rent-to-owner decides they want to move or not buy the house, what happens to the money? Is any given to the landlord? Why can’t the landlord increase rent to drive out a tenant? If a new sewer line needs to be run, and it’s $10k, how is the cost split? How are property taxes dealt with if the unit is owned by multiple parties? If a homeowner owns 51% of the property and someone is injured on the property, who’s insurance pays?

    I get there is a lot to dislike about slumlord type landlords, but property and home ownership isn’t like buying a toaster. There are a ton of laws and rules and responsibilities that clearly defined parties still have court cases over. There is financial risk in property ownership, and your proposal seems to be having private citizens, even if “rich” by your definition, and it is the government dictating private use of their property.

    There are positive aspects to renting, which you don’t seem to consider. I tried to sell my house for over a year, but foreclosures had driven down property prices so much for a time, I literally couldn’t afford to give my house away for below market value and still have any money left to put on a new house. If I was a renter, I could just say I’m done here and go off and do whatever. If something breaks, there’s someone who is supposed to fix it, no cost or effort to you. You don’t need to worry about taxes and setting aside money for maintenance or hire contractors.

    I want everyone to have a home, and I hate scumbugs and corporate ownership of residential property, but many of these people do serve important purposes, and many people would not have a place to live if property owners didn’t rent out access to those properties.

    Again, I’m not a landlord because of many of these things, but I do own property and wouldn’t like something like this. It is a very complicated issue and this just comes off as someone who’s never had to fight the local zoning board, deal with a utility screwing around with you, or having messed up property records having the government trying to make you pay taxes you don’t owe say property owners have it made. It took me 8 years, 3 title insurance companies, and a judge to get my property records corrected after my divorce.

    Expanding construction of affordable housing people would want to live in and expanding housing subsidies and just in general providing adequate social safety nets will get people in homes. Giving people with no means to maintain a home is not a benefit, it’s just another huge thing that brings a pile of never-ending expenses.