Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I don’t think there was a real Jesus but I concede you do have a point. Everyone builds Jesus in their own image, even atheists. It takes effort not to. The natural tendency of anyone who was ever infected with this meme or has Christian friends is to try to find something redeeming about him.

    Have heard male homosexuals tell me he was gay, heard black power types tell me he was black, heard a scholar in Greek literature tell me he was a secret Hellenistic Jew, heard him described by hippies as a hippy, by fire and brimstone types that he laid down the law, by SJW that he was a social activists, by communists that he was a communist, by a pacifist that he was a pacifist, by rabbis that he was a rabbi…

    He can’t be all of those things, he can however be none of those things. He is the blank slate that people scribble on what they want, and what they want is a version of themselves with super powers.

  • but one of them features a zombie apocalypse of the dead rising out of their graves when Jesus dies on the cross.

    Matthew. I am not sure exactly what the author was thinking at the time. It does align with what a minority of Jews believed would happen (Ezekiel hints at it) as well as Paul’s letters so I want to say he invented it to align but it almost feels like he got it from the oral tradition.

    He did not have a steady job, he was not a productive member of society and he certainly did not have a nuclear family.

    I almost feel bad for mentioning this because it is minority view but I think Paul had a conception of him as a Nazar from birth, like Samson. As you said he is living this sexless, unproductive life, wandering around, barefoot, telling people that the Lord will provide. It could also explain the incident at the temple. From what we can tell Paul knew something hostile happened there but not what exactly. Nazarsbl were required to give an offering to end their lifestyle and at the same time the Temple almost always turned them away as insincere.

    So Paul thinks the orders of events are something like this:

    Jesus is a born Nazar He goes around until he feels his tasks are completed. Shows up to the temple with his followers. Temple says no way, get out. His followers convince the Temple. They let him into the first gate. Satan sees defeat so gets involved and starts a brawl. Infests Pilot and Pharisees. He gets crucified. Satan thinks he has won. Turns out God disagrees and accepts the perfect sacrifice. And since the ending the Nazar oath was a forgiveness offering it all works out nicely, Jesus gets everyone forgiven.

  • Not them but

    Basically it started as a back to earth movement. With the idea that since civilization wasn’t working out everyone should hunker down with their little group following some shaman. For all the many flaws of Chinese government it ran the irrigation systems that kept people alive, it protected the population from invaders, it brought order and wealth that were not only good things in its own right it allowed some part of the population to do things like make art.

    Taoism tried to roll this all back. Instead of philosophy and law seeking greater and greater clarity it wanted mysticism. Instead of finding ways that less people would starve it asked people to accept the world with the blind faith that over enough time problems would be fixed. Try telling your hungry child that in nine generations everything will be fine.

    The greatest sins of Taoism are engineering and organization. Instead of humans adapting the world to us we must adapt to it, no matter the cost. The only way you can believe in this doctrine is if you believe in a fall. We had a perfect world that we broke. Thus we get original sin again but I can’t even give them credit for that since their philosophers didn’t take their ideas that far.

    We humans live in a world that is undesigned. That’s what the data tells us. There was never a one that became two or whatever.

  • I am way too privileged to tell you how to protect yourself. With that said you can look at it two ways

    1. Read what Patrick Henry said about it. The second amendment was to stop revolts and at the same time provide a non-federal way to have a military. Which was required because he noted that blacks who served in the revolutionary war were made free afterwards. The goal was to keep the black population enslaved. You can also read federalist paper 46 and understand that a well regulated militia is not a dude with a gun. It means an organized fighting force.

    2. The second way you can go about it is work backwards. States wanted a legal way to raise their own armies in an emergency. Well what kinda emergency were they planning for? You don’t need a guy with a musket to deal with a flood. The emergencies we are told are revolts. Who is going to revolt the white population non-slaves or the black slave population?

    The 2nd amendment existed to allow slave patrols to function. Even people who argued it was for a national guard type thing weren’t thinking of random people with guns.

  • Must be an interesting audit.

    IRS agent: so you put down that you received a “Cincinnati Steamer” as part of your compensation for employing this vendor.

    Dude: that’s right

    IRS agent: please describe what goes into a Cincinnati Steamer so I can assign it to a category or categories. Also do you happen to have her W2s and social security number?

    Dude: sure, and no I don’t have her paperwork. Surprisingly she didn’t share it with me.

  • I imagine what is going on is the answers on the multiple choice questions weren’t random and you were picking up on the pattern then retroconing a justification. Say for example

    • A. 12
    • B. 14
    • C. 11
    • D. 68

    You threw out D right away because it was much different and argued that it had to be A or C because being off by one is an easy mistake. Now it’s just a question if even or odd, so you looked for a divide by 2. If found you went odd, if you found a multiple by 2 you went even.

    Added to this you probably noticed a pattern. If C was the correct answer the next one was always A, etc.

    If you aren’t convinced that its just really good test taking ability it would be pretty easy to use an AI and make it quiz you.