• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ubuntu, RHEL and Fedora use it as the default and they are very big distros. Idk if it’s enough but that’s what I know.

    I mean, that’s pretty irrelevant. If you were for example at least comparing the downloads of fedora Vs spins, that would be a beginning of something.

    Idk. KDE was unstable for me and it always has bugs after major releases. They should test things better.

    1. In case it wasn’t obvious: stability is not reliability

    2. So does GNOME, especially when you have a lot of extensions

    3. KDE is pretty crap in both regards

    Personal opinion.

    Is that why every distro comes with vanilla GNOME? Oh wait…

    But hey at least it’s getting better over time.

    Meanwhile over the years KDE got lighter than GNOME while constantly piling on features.

  • the most popular

    Citation very much needed

    one of the most stable DEs on Linux

    Hardly, but I’m guessing you’re thinking of reliability instead. Not really surprising when it’s so stripped down that vanilla GNOME is pretty much unusable. When you extend it, in order to get a proper DE, that goes right out the window.

    That fact makes it especially funny that vanilla GNOME is by far the fattest DE around. How it manages to use up more resources than KDE is beyond me.

  • It’s about 300mb lighter than KDE in my experiences. On 2gb of RAM, that makes a difference.

    And both LXDE and LXQT use half as much RAM as Xfce.

    LXDE is gonna be fine too; but it lacks a lot of the polish that XFCE has. I honestly like both for different things.

    I’d rather be able to open more than 5 tabs than have a fancy UI. That’s why Xfce is on my newer devices, and I install those 2 whenever someone needs an ancient laptop revived.

  • I’m going to have to come back to Nix/NixOS in a bit.

    Use nix + home-manager first for sure. It’s far easier, and you can slowly get into it while making a list of bleeding edge packages.

    I’ll probably wait until the official docs catch up as it appears that they are quite a bit behind

    Skip them altogether when you’re starting out. I gave up on trying nix the first few times due to how bad they are. zero-to-nix.com is better for learning the basics of nix.

    That and I’m not sure how I feel about a DSL for package management. I’d much rather use JSON or YAML, or even INI or TOML.

    The closest you can get is home-manager with a list of packages in a json-like format. It’s really not practical to develop a declarative system without a programming language. A basic example would be variables, more advanced would be to write a wrapper that modifies the package so it automatically runs the required cli commands to use your dediated gpu and nixGL with specific packages (nvidia-run-mx nixVulkanNvidia-525.147.05 obs for example).

    It’s sort of like IaC where you’ve got terraform (dsl), pulumi (various languages), and cloudformation (json/yaml). Can you guess which one is universally despised?

    Maybe if I were a LISP or Haskell guy.

    Then you’d use guix and a dsl made within an actual programming language (much better approach IMO).