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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • The Maga movement is definable as a High Control Organization, and Trump is the Prophet.

    If he dies one of two things could happen, either 1) a new “great leader” is able to consolidate the base and keep the movement going, or 2) nobody is able to recreate that charisma enough to reform the movement, and as a result the entire thing collapses in on itself.

    Trump suddenly dropping dead of old age would make the second very likely, he made a point of making the top echelons of the RNC dangerous to anyone who could make option one happen, because he sees anyone capable of that as a challenger to his authority. The king has no heir.

    I genuinely think Trump dying of old age would produce similar results to the Republican Party that the Deaths of JFK and RFK (not the brain worm one) had on the Democratic Party. The fact that his base of support is on the older side would probably add to the despair of the whole thing, being a reminder that their time is similarly short.

    I don’t think we’ll see very many of the cult snap out of the delusion, but we’d certainly see some have rather public breakdowns facing the absolute nothingness their devotion has wrought.

    At best, they got a high for a few moments and returned to the state of despair they had been previously chasing the high to escape, at worst, they’ve lost all their support system to the sheer disgust they’ve felt over the cultist’s indoctrination, leading to the wam bam combo of the despair in combination with inescapable loneliness, remember, a lot of these people are really just the “make the kids come back to thanksgiving again!” caucus.

    I don’t think we’ll see infighting or civil warring among the ranks of the Redcaps, what we’ll see is people who think that expressing grief makes you weak attempt to cope with what they’ll see as their messiah just dying unceremoniously from the same hand that’s reaching closer and closer for them every day, and before they got the rewards of vindication they had been promised by him.

  • That opposing force is the sheer amount of desperation people are putting into chasing voters to the polls

    There isn’t an opposite manifesto because the opposition to Project 2025 is a big tent coalition of several groups that in a proper democratic system would be entirely different parties.

    It’s a beast with 20 heads that all have to agree to make any significant movement in any given direction, and so all that this monster can agree to do right now is to keep keeping the other guy out and hope a resolution comes in the process.

    Only sometimes one of the heads decides to be a privileged little twat and not even agree to that, and then gaslight everyone else about how they all made the twat decide to let the worse guy win.

    Anyways the point is someone would have to beat down the egos of a lot of big names to unite the democratic coalition enough to put out a counterproposal to Project 2025.

    You probably could do it too with enough being the biggest most confrontational douche ever seen in the DNC to literally everyone until you’ve successfully bowled everyone else over and browbeaten them into line, but congratulations now the only thing they’re more united about than The Project for All is how much they all hate you and want to ruin you so they can all go back to being the petty lords of their sub-partisan fiefdoms.

  • I’m staying with them while on bedrest from the nastiest mono infection I’ve ever witnessed, but once I’m recovered I still have my own place I can get back to

    I also stay the night regularly when my dad needs to leave my mom home alone for travel because she’s old and has old people problems

    I’m in a pretty unique situation with how my life in relation to theirs turned out though so probably not a median example of a person who crashes with their parents for occasions outside of celebrations or family trips.

  • Defense of a country in the case of direct attack, or more complicatedly in the defense of an allied country in cases like NATO where all members consider an attack on any member as though it were an attack on them.

    I will add the caveat though that not having a well funded, trained, and staffed military prior to hitting the conscription button is certainly a point in the column of incompetence if not unacceptable behavior.

  • My point is that involving the gun makes it terrorism by the same principle of escalation.

    It’s not a robery, it’s a near death experience where money might change hands.

    Gun violence is gun violence. It is all attempted murder and terrorism. Fact that some people want money out of it is irrelevant, it is still terrorism.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    5 days ago

    If you pull a gun out you are not threatening, you have declared your intent to kill whatever it’s pointing at.

    It is not a defense tool, it is a “all other options are expired and now someone has to die” tool.

    There is no motive for pointing your gun at someone except to shoot them.

    No matter how much your dumbass might think you’re just trynna scare them a bit.

    It is the same. It is gun violence. It is terrorism without a cause.