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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    3 days ago

    Nobody likes voting for the lesser of two evils, but we all have to if we want to stop an even further decline into hell. Our system is broken, and we don’t have any way of fixing it immediately, so we have to work with what we can. Trump as president will have immediate and direct consequences for many people, and it will be the fault of people like you that it happened. At this point, not voting for Biden is the same thing as voting for Trump. You may continue virtue signaling after we get through the crisis right in front of us.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldPter
    16 days ago

    I think the intended idea was that she freezes mid-sentence in shock after fully comprehending what was said. Shrunken iris, mouth half open… I personally think the reaction makes sense.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    19 days ago

    I still don’t see any reason to believe in things I don’t see any evidence for. If you want to believe in ghosts or spirituality or Bigfoot or whatever, have at it. I don’t agree with you, but I don’t really care either. I only take issue with people that have, and act according to, beliefs that cause direct harm to others. Religions, crystal healing, antivaxxers, etc.

    Sure, a community based around not believing in flying pigs might not make sense to you. Why build a community around not believing something? But you’re missing the same point a lot of religious folk do when they say, “why do you hate god if you don’t believe in him?” See, what if you lived in a world where 90% of people believed in either flying pigs, flying sheep, or flying cows, and all around the world, people in power are making laws based around these things that directly hurt, suppress, and ostracize the lives of others? Suddenly, making a community around it makes more sense.

    What do we get out of it? Well, we get a sense of community and belonging for one thing. We all have something in common, and many of us have even been directly hurt or oppressed by the beliefs we stand against. And besides, we’re not perfect human beings—sometimes it’s just fun to poke fun at things we find ridiculous with a group of like-minded individuals.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    I mean, I agree completely. I’m an agnostic atheist myself. I believe it is highly unlikely a god exists, but outright claiming absolutely no gods exist is a positive claim that also requires evidence if you wish to convince others. It’s not a stance I’m willing to take.

    That said, I’m very willing to make the positive claim that certain gods do not exist. The christian god, for example, at least as described in the bible, is so logically inconsistent that I am willing to take a hard atheist stance on its existence and say outright I believe it does not exist.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    when science doesn’t have an explanation or evidence either

    The difference is that we’re willing to admit we don’t know, while the religious think they do. We don’t have a burden of proof here because we’re not claiming anything.

    A true scientist would acknowledge that there is possibility of interference-based creation based on our current understanding of physics.

    Most people do acknowledge that its possible. Its just very, very, very, (…) unlikely to be the case. Everything else we’ve ever proven to be true has been caused by natural causes. Why should it suddenly be different? I’m open to being proven wrong when the time comes, but in the meantime I will continue to ignore wild ideas that contradict everything we know and are brought forth without any evidence. That’s not arrogance.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    I currently live in a society where trans and gay rights are constantly under attack by religious folk simply because a ‘holy book’ supposedly says they’re sinners (despite it never mentioning trans people). Forgive me for not feeling sorry for the religious.

    Besides, you’re in an atheist community. What do you expect us to talk about?

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    I never said we couldn’t. But even if we found the cause of the existence of everything (assuming there was one), and it wasn’t god, its still impossible to rule out that God just set all of that into motion. The likelihood gets smaller and smaller, and god’s influence gets smaller and smaller, but its physically impossible to actually disprove it. There will always be a smaller hole for a creator-being to crawl into. Which is why “nobody has disproved god” is a meaningless sentence.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    You’ll find God there, scientifically or not.

    I mean, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but it sure seems like you believe a god exists when you say something like that, no?

    As for the rest of what you said… that’s irrelevant. The problem is that it could be (and IMO is) physically impossible for literally nothing to exist. We simply don’t know, as we don’t know what came before or caused the big bang. The concept of nothingness is a whole complicated philosophical debate. Saying “erm, things exists, therefore god” makes no sense.

    Besides, god is ‘something’. You have the same problem regardless.

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    It is, quite literally, physically impossible to completely disprove that a god exists. Just like it’s physically impossible to disprove that space outside of the observable universe is actually made up of infinite tiny rainbow unicorns.

    How would you disprove something you can’t interact with?

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    Nobody thinks our current understanding is perfect. But, just because we don’t know everything, doesn’t mean we need to entertain wild ideas without a lick of evidence. Sure, there could be supernatural explanations for things. But any other time we’ve previously thought something was caused by the supernatural, it was proven to not be. Every. Single. Time. Why bet on the horse that’s lost 1,000 races?

  • Nelots@lemm.eetoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    20 days ago

    Why do things exist? Who knows? I sure don’t. Being able to admit you don’t know everything is humbling, you should try it some time.

    Something you don’t know, for example, is whether or not it would be easier for nothing to exist. How could you possibly know that? Maybe that’s true, maybe it’s literally impossible. Yet here you are pretending you know for a fact that it’s true.

    Enjoy your god of the gaps, though.

  • Riiight… you were just acting like a scalded cat for shits and giggles, eh?

    You know, you keep saying this, but until you directly attacked my character, I was completely unmoved by your comment. I didn’t give a shit about you and was just lightly disagreeing with you in my original comment. Maybe you should go back and re-read this full comment chain because I literally have zero fucking clue where you’re getting this idea from. I’d like to see you point out, with the full context, where I acted defensive before you actually attacked me personally.

    Ooooh… and that would be such a terrible thing, right?


    so it’s perfectly rational to pretend that this fundamentally white supremacist society couldn’t possibly have affected you, superheroic liberal that you are, in any possible way, right?

    Did I say that? Are you actually obtuse or did you just miss the bit where I said this:

    When I say something stupid and have it pointed out to me that it’s coming from a perspective of privilege, I realize my fault and try to do better. Believe it or not, nobody is perfect…

    Anyway, maybe you should stop calling me racist just because I’m white. That is, quite literally, racist.

    You are so incapable of detaching yourself from whiteness that you will literally view any mention of white supremacism’s roots in white, western liberalism as a personal attack…

    Again, I do not give a shit about my skin color. I REPEAT, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT BEING WHITE. I DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU THINK I DO. Seriously, for the love of god, pull your dick out of your mouth and take a deep breath. I think the lack of oxygen going to your brain is getting to you. And then maybe you can actually try listening to me. The thing that I took as an attack was you heavily implying that I’m racist. You know, an attack. Go ahead though, keep ignoring me when I tell you this. That dick ain’t gonna suck itself.

  • This you?

    What the hell is the even supposed to mean? By saying that a group of people I never even claimed to be a part of aren’t necessarily white supremacists, I’m somehow feeling attacked? You know, if somebody were to say all Germans are as bad as Hitler, I would argue with them. That doesn’t mean I personally felt attacked and thought I was being compared to Hitler. You do not need to feel personally attacked by something in order to defend it.

    You know overt white supremacism?

    Irrelevant. Overt, subtle, it doesn’t matter. You’re calling me, somebody you know nothing about, racist—and for that, you can kindly fuck right off.

    You turning reactionary at the mere mention of the term white supremacism is pretty telling. Remember… at no point did I actually accuse you of anything.

    I did not turn reactionary at the mere mention of the term. I turned reactionary at you heavily implying that I am one, you fucking ass. And no, the distinction between that and actually calling me one is irrelevant. But go ahead and play your little holier than thou act. I hope you’re at least fooling yourself, because you’re certainly not fooling anybody else.

    You feel attacked because…

    See above.

    I’m going to take a wild guess here and bet that you always feel the need to “distance” yourself from the likes of Rittenhouse and his ilk, because you don’t want people to associate your whiteness with his.

    Uh, no. It’s telling that you’re so obsessed with the color of my skin, but I actually don’t give a fuck about this man or that we share a similar shade of skin. Maybe you should look at yourself in a mirror instead of projecting your racism onto others. If I wish to distance myself from him, it’s due to his politics and shitty views, not because of his skin color. Just like I’d like to distance myself from Hitler or Stalin. Or you, for that matter. I’m sure you know what I think better than I do, though, so please, why don’t you go ahead and tell me how wrong I am about my own thoughts on the matter? Maybe if you keep it up long enough, you’ll finally wonder why it’s getting hard to breathe and notice that you’ve got your own dick shoved 3 inches down your throat!