
Don’t ask me what my name means

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • So… there isnt a war in the US right now, and there probablywont be one.

    “Lead-acid electric…” when was the last time you looked at an electric car. Electric cars can now give you 400+ miles of range just like ICE vehicles, and I don’t have to scavenge fuel from who knows where, all I need is a few solar panels and I’m good… eventually.

    Also, IF this was a war zone, I’d rather be whisper quiet than to tell everyone around that I’m driving by with the sound of an engine. Oh and it’s easier to remain undetected by food than on a vehicle anyway.

  • Here’s the thing, if living in your general geographic area doesn’t suit you, then finding a new geographic area might. If you stay in your room, how will you meet that companionship? Make those friends? Meeting people and making friends takes effort and this also means traveling. So find a shitty job that pays enough for you to safe some money and take a trip, they aren’t that expensive if you do your research, and who knows, you may meet someone that makes you stay, but at least you’ll be doing something FOR YOU!

    From one depressed person to another, all I can say is what’s wrong in fucking trying one more thing.

    Definetly ask me if you want some tips on traveling since I try going on 3-4 trips a year to help with my depression.