• 23 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2022


  • I had a horrible experience with nextcloud on a pi. I have a great experience on a good server. It stores files. It does that very well for me. Clients work reliable.

    Nextcloud apps are sometines good and sometimes not. It can do everything. One should let navidrome serve music and not nextcloud. Mealie is for recipes. Jellyfin for videos and immich for images. Paperless for documents.

    Nextcloud is file storage, backup, syncing and maybe collab. That’s what I expect and that’s what I get.

  • I tried that extension but it is greyed out on my installation. Besides, it acoompanies pdf files, not the url site directly if I understand it correctly

    When you find an interesting article through Google Scholar, the arXiv or journal websites, this browser extension allows you to add those references to JabRef. Even links to accompanying PDFs are sent to JabRef, where those documents can easily be downloaded, renamed and placed in the correct folder.

  • I keep recurring donations to big projects like KDE and one time once in a while to smaller projects/devs. There’s no incentive for me to donate a dollar to someone who wrote an app to control the flash but a one time donation is good. One time donation is also good for projects you just check out and think it’s good. Projects I heavily use also get a regular donation. And I didn’t sit down and looked up every project but I star everything on github at first and then after a while I donate. A star is the minimum I do for good projects