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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • Depends on what you get to vote on, who gets to vote, if their votes count, etc.

    A more democratic system could have done something like, we’ll test run Brexit for a few years, make an assessment, and then allow everybody to vote again to continue Brexiting or roll it back. But that’s not going to happen because … well… representative democracy is authoritarian by design. Nobody is going to put a “Roll Back Brexit” question on a ballot who championed a pro-Brexit stance and will fight any attempt to give the people a chance to vote again (heck, they’ll probably fight tooth and nail to keep any useful assessments of the effects of Brexit from being pushed into the public sphere to help voters make informed decisions as well).

  • Representative Democracies are, by definition, authoritarian. A small number of people are elected, democratically, to make the decisions for the majority.

    Is the decision to end slavery a majority decision? Then it’s democratic.

    With the contradiction being that the people who were pro slavery could just decide, “Nah, we’re not going to end slavery”, and continue to do slavery. Which I’m pretty sure is generally how that went in the USA.

  • Yes.

    But slavery was also authoritarian.

    Any situation where there is a power imbalance that can be enforced through physical or psychological means that somebody doesn’t agree with is authoritarian. Employer/employee? Authoritarian. Parent/infant? Authoritarian. Bank/bank customer? Authoritarian. Doctor/patient? Authoritarian.

    Probably the only reasonable definition of authoritarian would be something like, “To be ruled/governed by an authority.” I’ve decided that Bill over there gets to be in charge of things, they’re the authority. I don’t always agree with the decisions they make but they’re in charge. Which seems like it would overlap a bit with the idea of democratic centralism.