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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you still hate Windows?
    20 hours ago

    Hate is a strong word, indifferent is more the word I’d use.
    And I’m indeifferent because I have used (GNU)Linux as my main desktop OS since 2005, and (GNU)Linux exclusively for the past 15 years. And now even games run fine on Linux, so to me it’s all benefits now.
    So it’s just that Windows and everything Microsoft is irrelevant now, except for a classic game I still play occasionally with my wife.

    Obviously the proprietary nature with all the problems that includes, was what motivated me to shift originally, and it is also the reason I don’t even want to dual boot Windows, not if it was free as in beer either.

    1. The joy of “figuring it out”

    No absolutely not, I used to be an IT consultant, but like most people I like things to just work, and Linux has done that for many years now.
    I do however like the freedom, and that I am not prevented from configuring my system like I want to. I remember Windows having the most ridiculous mechanisms to prevent me from for instance replacing something as banal as notepad as default/system text editor. Absolutely bullocks behavior by Microsoft IMO. I am very happy to have a system where I decide, and not some company that wants to lock me into their ecosystem.

    PS: I have never tried anything Windows beyond Windows XP. But boy did Vista and Windows 8 convince me that I did the right thing switching to (GNU)Linux. Almost everybody I know were absolutely pissed about both.

    Windows Vista was the most golden opportunity to buy expensive hardware for cheap, because it didn’t have drivers for Vista. Laughing my ass off about people who claim hardware lacks drivers for Linux, when it’s actually worse on Windows with every new release.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    5 days ago

    Just because you are still voting Biden, doesn’t mean you don’t care.
    It just means you still don’t want the raving malignant narcissist Trump.
    Any somewhat normal person would be the obvious choice over Trump. Any person who is not clearly a traitor to USA and Democracy would be preferable to Trump.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    8 days ago

    I agree, the phrasing is bad, but that doesn’t change that if you read it carefully, the meaning is clear.
    There is absolutely no reasonable basis for claiming he is defending pedophiles, when what he does is the direct opposite, by logically proving that a common defense they use is invalid, because you can never claim to know participation is voluntary. It is per definition coerced.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlLinus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
    8 days ago

    Everytime someone calls their system a Linux based OS and not GNU/Linux based OS downplays the work he put in.

    Absolutely, and the fact that people didn’t adopt it creates confusion, some people claim Android is also Linux, which you can argue, but it’s definitely NOT GNU/Linux, and it’s definitely NOT a free desktop OS as defined by freedesktop.org either. There’s a huge difference.
    Especially since Android generally means Android with Google apps, and not AOSP. AOSP is open source, but Android with Google apps is not.

  • IDK if federations doesn’t work, I already wrote to another response that I use Bash.
    Since the Amiga in the 80’s I considered CLI windows and Shell as the same thing,because they kind of were on the Amiga, as there was only 1 shell, and a CLI window was also called Shell. But that was obviously a misunderstanding I just never got quite rid of.

  • Interesting, I just don’t get that last line, Linux came out in 1991, so how is 1991 way before Linux?

    I’m not sure either, that if the GNU project had managed to make a decent kernel, that it would have made the world a different place today. At least not for the better.
    The Linux kernel is the most successful piece of open software ever made, and it’s GPL like GNU. I am far from sure another kernel would have been equally successful either technologically or in benefiting all sorts of computers.

  • Good catch, I guess that’s mostly true, but Windows NT was an evolution of Windows that mainly got rid of the DOS legacy. Which after Windows NT ran on a compatibility layer, where Windows 3 ran on DOS directly.
    It’s a bit of a grey area. But I’d say windows NT was a continuation of Windows that shared almost the entire API from Windows 3.0.
    The old “System n” OS was also called MAC OS. And the switch to OSX was a completely new OS where the old MAC OS software ran on a compatibility layer.

    I guess it can be seen either way.

  • Windows became popular with Windows 3.0 that came out 1990, And the Linux kernel came in 1991, but the first distro which is a better comparison came in 1993.

    So Windows had a 3 year advantage.
    But that wasn’t the more crucial thing, the real advantage was DOS compatibility, which everything legacy ran on. So with Windows people and companies could still run their old DOS programs, they could even run them better than in an old fashioned DOS system, because Windows was brilliant for multitasking DOS programs.

  • That’s kind of true, but MacOS and Mac OSX are 2 different things. What is based on BSD is the MAC OSX that came out in 2001 AFAIK.

    And BSD was interrupted for 2 years because of copyright disputes with AT&T. If that hadn’t happened, BSD would be the longest continuous OS today, and probably way more significant than it is.

    I don’t consider MAC OSX as part of BSD, just like Android isn’t part of Linux Desktop, but only uses the Linux kernel. OSX took parts of BSD and shielded it behind a proprietary wall, because the BSD license offer no protection from that. So they become separate projects the moment they enter the Apple domain.

    Problem here is when people mix up the use of the word Linux as an OS with Linux the kernel. I am 100% sure OP meant Linux as a Desktop OS like GNU/Linux or something like Free desktop according to freedesktop.org. Using his experience with EndeavorOS as an example.

    But you are right, it can be said Unix/BSD has an even longer running time, but it has been somewhat problematic and interrupted because of AT&T and SCO and Novell.

  • Yes it literally has come a long way, all the way from 1991 to 2024, I think the only other OS that has managed that is Windows.
    I know that’s not quite what you meant, it was just a thought I came to think of reading the headline.

    But apart from that, it’s also become quite good, but IMO it has been for more than a decade now.

  • Nah that nonsense is no worse than the nonsense actually in the Bible, but technically we can’t call Christians out on something that isn’t considered canonical by Christians IMO.

    But that wasn’t the point I was trying to make, I merely corrected someone from the false belief that it was actually from the Bible.

    It is still usable as something people would gladly accept as being from the Bible, because the Bible is full of factually false claims too. It shows that nothing is too stupid to be in the Bible.