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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Bonehead@kbin.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldHappens once per thread
    1 month ago

    Individual men were hurt by feeling classified as more dangerous to a random woman than a bear in the woods when their lived experiences place them well below that threat

    It’s quite obvious which side you’ve picked. You talk about men’s lived experiences while complaining that women talking about their lived experiences “trampled over a lot of innocent men.”

    There’s no point in debating this. If you’re really just a spectator, then you wouldn’t be actively arguing about it. But I don’t have to play along with this. That’s my choice…

  • Bonehead@kbin.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldHappens once per thread
    1 month ago

    It’s one thing to say that you feel hurt by the idea that a woman would choose a bear over you. It’s another to argue that they are wrong to make that choice and that women are just being irrational. You have every right to feel hurt and to express that you feel hurt. You don’t have the right to tell anyone else what choice to make. That’s the line that was crossed. That’s where they were no longer innocent men. Of course you’re not going to win an argument when you try to control other people’s choices. The entire reason women choose the bear is because of men trying to control them. You don’t have to like that choice, but you do have to accept it because it’s not your choice to make.

    That’s the real winning move…accepting women’s choices, no matter how “wrong” you think it is.

  • Think of Luke as a religious reformist in a way, rejecting the institutions of a religion while not rejecting the religion itself. He was Martin Luther with a lightsaber.

    So he’s a splitter…

    But seriously, we all know that Lucas was flying by the seat of his pants writing the sequels and that his wife is the real hero of Star Wars. Everything that came afterwards was created by someone else. In the end Lucas’s story, Luke still used dark side powers. He called himself “Jedi”, but he was simply a Force user with wild ideas about the past. There were no strictly light side users or dark side users anymore. There was simply the Force. If you want to take extended canon into account, Yoda even stated this when he destroyed the last of the Jedi archives. He understood that balance could only be truly restored by letting go of the past.

  • But that’s just it. It’s not about the bear. It was never about the bear. It’s about women not trusting unknown men, and the men who get offended by that. Anyone that insists on predicting what the bear would do, or wants to discuss statistics of bear attacks, is missing the point. It’s distracting away from the actual conversation.

    Women have the right to feel uncomfortable around unknown men. Men have the right to feel hurt by that sentiment. But it’s not the responsibility of women to coddle the men and make them feel better. The men need to understand that they can only control themselves. Part of controlling themselves is to empathize with women and try to understand why they would choose the bear. Not get upset that a random woman doesn’t want to be alone with them. Not proclaim they’d also choose the bear because they don’t want to be alone with some sketchy man. Not convince them that the bear is statistically more dangerous. Just simply listen and try to understand. That’s all. When you learn to control yourself and empathize, you’ll find others that will do the same. And then maybe some of those women will choose you over the bear…

  • This whole thing is completely blown out of proportion. The fact that young disenfranchised men are getting upset that women they don’t know are choosing a bear over them says that they are taking it personally when it’s not.

    If you’re a young man, and the people around you have decided they would rather choose the bear over you, that’s a sign that you need to sit down and take a hard look at yourself about why they would do that. What have you done that would make them decide that. And if you extend that feeling to random women that you don’t know, then you need to sit down and take a hard look at yourself why you feel that way. You don’t know the lived experience of random women. You don’t know why they would choose certain death over you. Taking it personally only shows your immaturity. You can’t control how other people feel. You can only control yourself. If you want to understand why women around you would choose the bear, maybe try asking them nicely and actually listen. Empathy works both ways. Showing some will encourage people to reciprocate.

  • Bonehead@kbin.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    Here’s the thing…if you get upset that a random woman that you don’t know would take the hyperbolic position that they would rather be in the same room as a bear than with you, you’re likely the exact type of man that these memes are talking about. They are meant to expose fragile egos that don’t understand how intimidating they are to women. They know how dangerous a bear is. They don’t know how dangerous you are. That’s the point…