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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • For building vast structures, to me it’s mostly Space Engineers, but that’s another concept too, not exactly “build a gigafactory” type game. Still, building something big and cool it does.

    I’m also sad MMOs are rarely first-person. Like, there was Tera, but it died immediately as I first heard of it, which is super unfortunate because it certainly seemed to tick my boxes.

    I didn’t play The Talos Principle, but heard about the game. Spent quite a while in both Portal games though - good times.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlHey there both good
    6 days ago

    Which is yet another confusing thing for me :D

    But I learned to play some third-person games, while others still hurt. For example, generally slower pace and auto-aim World of Wacraft is alright, but action-packed Warframe that also offers me to shoot in third person (why on goddamn Earth?) is killing me.

    As per Valheim, I tried, but it felt odd to me. But thanks a lot for the recommendation!

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlHey there both good
    7 days ago

    Top down is better, but I’d still rather have even pseudo-3D (like in many strategy games for example, especially older ones).

    But yeah, I often challenge my mind thinking that “down” is very arbitrary and is just normally takes along the weight force vector :D

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoMemes@lemmy.mlHey there both good
    7 days ago

    Yes, but my brain subconsciously interprets 2D worlds as ones in which there are front and back (away from screen and in front of it), and I just can’t look there and see what’s there.

    Like if you’d build a house with floor, two walls on the opposite sides, and the ceiling, and would decide to completely ignore that your house is actually a tube and two sides are wide open to the outside world.

  • I don’t think there is a single universal Great filter, and living and then potentially sentient beings with various traits will face various obstacles.

    First, life needs suitable materials for polymers and a lot of energy. Most places don’t have both.

    Next, basic blocks of life that would be self-replicating and adaptive should be randomly generated, which is extremely unlikely and literally took over a billion years on Earth, a planet with generally great conditions for such process.

    Then, those blocks should be able to get together to form complex structures - ideally, many separate ones, so that one event wouldn’t destroy the entire effort. Earth had it easy, with billions of super simple life forms.

    Next, assuming life survived up to this point in a potentially unfriendly and ever-changing environment, bombarded by UV light and exposed to myriad of sources of damage, it should not destroy itself or environment too badly to never recover. Earth had periods when life generated too much carbon dioxide or too much oxygen (yes, that too was a thing), and those were critical points at which our story could very much end.

    Then, life has to evolutionize and get into complex forms, either by forming multicellular organisms or by making a cell a powerhouse of everything.

    Then, life has to get sentient, and some kind of response system should be available and get highly complex.

    Then, most of the sentient creatures just won’t be tribal, and civilization requires society and a common effort.

    Then, many more won’t be expansionist, and will die out in some small region.

    Many also won’t be competitive, which would slow down evolution.

    For those species who are competitive, they shouldn’t destroy each other while they’re at it, and this is currently one of the risks of our own.

    And after all that, they should develop space travel and either get as developed and decisive and resource-rich as to send a generational ship to some random planet named Earth populated by genocidal monkeys, or to somehow hyperdrive here. They can very much decide it’s not worth it, and they may be so far away we couldn’t see signs of their civilization.