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Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I think Married With Children has managed to come through unscathed because of Ed O’Neil and who he is as a person. He’s so much the opposite of Al Bundy and has always been very open about that. The show as a result falls into that same category as South Park or All in the Family; We understand that the jokes are meant to be satire via absurdity; It’s so over the top and the actor is so different in real life that we just get it.

    Compare that to something like Home Improvement, where we know that the humour isn’t meant to be absurdist, and we know that Tim Allen really is a douche.

  • Short answer. Yes.

    Long answer: I’m 48. And while some of what we are feeling is certainly a sense of “back in my day” nostalgia, its certainly not the only cause.

    We are from a strange generation who were old enough to remember a world before all of this, and young enough to adapt to all of it with relative ease. ( “this” being a transition to an online existence)

    Even one generation before us just simply struggles with it. And just one generation after us, while still “born” before this all became a thing, were to young to truly experience it.

    So we have a very unique and valuable perspective to offer; one that says "yes, things seemed better back then, and that is likely most certainly true for many things. But some things were likely just as fucked up back then and we simply didn’t have the internet screaming it at us 24-7. And perhaps right and left were not quite as polarized as they are today because of it.

    Just my Gen-x take on it.

  • Yes.

    Anyone who says differently is confusing “necessity” with “efficiency”.

    When I first started in Linux I rarely used the command line at all. But as time went on and I became more familiar, I found that there were some things that were simply faster to do in the command line.

    I can’t think of a single “everyday regular user task” than needs the command line, tbh.

  • I mean, true…but I don’t think the average user is paying for the service rather than they’re paying for not having to worry about setting up everything needed to get syncthing working.

    I don’t consider myself a luddite in any way, but within five seconds of reading syncthing’s install instructions even I basically just said, “yeah…no.” And I say that AS a nearly 12 year semi-advanced linux user. It’s not that it’s difficult. But difficult enough to not be worth it for the average person.

  • No. I believe we are likely witnessing the inevitable answer to the drake equation.

    The same lizard-brain instincts that allowed our ancestors to survive (competition, resource hoarding, power centralisation) are fundamentally self destructive to that same society as it approaches post-scarcity capability.

    In other words, when you have a society that evolved on selfishness and power imbalances, potential post-scarcity will always see those in power try to artificially create scarcity in order to remain in power.

    I used to think we could rise above our baser selfishness when the time came. Now I don’t believe we will, nor that its even likely possible.

    That lizard-brain instinct to protect what’s “yours” at the expense of everyone else is what got our civilization here in a resource poor world, and will cheerfully destroy it in order to maintain that scarcity for the sake of some.

  • Look…I use Linux. I love Linux. But let’s be honest. That 4 percent is largely due to the steam deck; a gaming handheld where the vast majority of users don’t know (or care) what operating system it uses as long as they can play their steam games on the go.

    That’s not “year of the Linux desktop”, because it’s not a desktop. It just has one hidden under the hood if you want to dig past the steam layer (which, as I said…the vast majority of users never will)

    The year of the Linux desktop won’t arrive until there is sufficient market share that software manufacturers are inclined to support us natively. That won’t happen with a gaming handheld because no one would want to use a gaming handheld as a daily driver.

    Sorry to be a wet blanket, folks. Downvote away…

  • GIMP has its share of issues, just like any other software. but it’s biggest issue is that somewhere down the line general users got this idea in their head that it was supposed to be a Photoshop clone.

    So they go into it with certain expectations and then get frustrated when it doesn’t work that way. People like me, who actually learned GIMP before PS, obviously didn’t go in with the same bias and therefore have a much better grasp on it.

    Gimp is not a Photoshop clone. it’s its own piece of kit with it’s own design and feature decisions that some may like and others may not. That’s life. The developers have no obligation to follow any other software design scheme any more than Sony is obligated to follow LGs TV UI. They’re not clones, they’re alternatives.

    if you think Gimps only function is to copy Photoshop, you’re in for a bad time. If you want to use gimp as an ALTERNATIVE and go in without the bias, you’ll likely learn your way around a LOT faster.

    I’m not excusing Gimps failings. far from it. but I AM saying that half the issue is the Photoshop users thinking that gimp only exists to copy everything from their precious Adobe daddy. And that’s simply not true.