Mine was our CRT TV. I would rapidly push the power button on and off because I thought the picture coming and going looked cool but eventually it fell inside of the TV. I think I later stuck a magnet on the TV.

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  • ReluctantMuskrat@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I suspect i might be the winner here. My friend had an alley behind his house along with a nice strip of open land near a busy road. Eventually a strip mall was built and then another large commercial building started to go up. Being basically behind my friends house we walked over to this new building on weekend to check out the construction site.

    The building was being built with cement block and had lots of scaffolding and yet-unused block scattered around. I found a pipe-bender - a very heavy tool made out of high quality steel - and found you could just tap on of these cement blocks and it would shatter to pieces. I was fascinated, as were my friends. I have no idea how many cement blocks we destroyed over the next couple of days, but it was a huge number. Then we decided to see if we could go through a wall with the pipe bender… we could indeed, making a hole in the side of the building we could walk through. Looking around we eventually realized what we’d done was awful… we had decimated this construction site. We finally slinked away and come Monday when the crew returned, police were called and neighbors interrogated but thankfully with privacy fences all around, none of the neighbors saw anything. 11 and 12 yr olds are stupid.

  • johnhamelink@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I pushed the largest TV off a window ledge at an electricals store because I wanted to watch the TV, so I put myself between the TV and the window. Obviously I’d never lifted a TV before and had no idea about their centre of balance. Because it wasn’t tied down properly the store was reprimanded and my poor mother didn’t have to fork out. I think I was around 4 or 5

  • A1kmm@lemmy.amxl.com
    2 months ago

    My grandparents had a lot of antiques, some probably which they inherited. My grandfather was particular proud of his clockwork wind-up clock (which was an antique even back then). I disassembled it to find out how it worked, but couldn’t figure out how to reassemble it (and my granddad couldn’t either).

  • BlueSquid0741@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 months ago

    Kitchen window. About 2x3 metres if I remember right.

    We had a trampoline in our backyard, outside the kitchen so mum could watch us while cooking or whatever. There was a huge hill (our house was in a bit of a mountainous area), and we decided to throw some rocks down the hill and bounce them off the trampoline… but we were uncoordinated 10 year olds so we missed every time. And it was just a bunch of little stones gathering in our backyard.

    Then I found one rock. Pretty big, had to lift it with two hands and shot-put it down the hill. That was the one that we finally landed on the trampoline. And it bounced right through the kitchen window.

  • gradyp@awful.systems
    2 months ago

    the garage. I was 6 or 7, my mom was undergoing a major health situation and the medication wasn’t doing her mental processes any favors. One morning she was running late and so asked me to start her car. I’d never started a car in my life, I had no idea what to do and I couldn’t reach the pedals so I asked my younger sibling to help out. I stayed on the floor and operated the pedals, my sibling was in charge of the key.

    mind you, this was a stickshift and it was parked in the driveway, facing the garage door.

    I have no idea what we actually did, I only remember the crashes as we went through the garage door and through the back wall. The front of the car now blocking the alley, we yanked the key ran to hide because we had just taken down a fucking building ruined mom’s new car, and thought we were going to be killed. Of course she instantly realized what happened and knew that she was at fault so when she found us we were of course in no trouble; but man, what a ride that was…

    • Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de
      2 months ago

      Your mom broke the garage. That was absolutely irresponsible of her, not you, you were trying to help out which is really sweet.

      And I mean what was the goal here anyway? Even when running late the 3 seconds it takes to start a car will hardly make any difference.

      • gradyp@awful.systems
        2 months ago

        She takes full responsibility but in her defense, the meds she was on really did a number on her, especially as a single mom.

  • sndrtj@feddit.nl
    2 months ago

    My grandparent’s desktop computer. I didn’t break the hardware, but i set the default font size in windows 98 to some ludicrously high value. That made it so large the OS became unusable and the dialog to change it back was also unusable. Probably a quick terminal command would have fixed it within a couple seconds but I wasn’t old enough to understand that and my parents weren’t very tech-savvy.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I grew up in a very unorganized town that wasn’t really regulated with traffic laws. I learned to drive a truck at about 12.

    When I was 14 I was driving my dad’s truck around town. I suddenly had the urge to see how well the brakes worked. I drove fast down a gravel road than slammed on the brakes as hard as I could. Within seconds it blew both front brake lines.

    Later that same year in the winter I got the truck stuck on some ice. It wasn’t bad, I just happened to stop on a very slippery patch of ice and couldn’t move forward. I got the idea that as the tires spun, they were getting hot which meant it was melting the ice. If I did it long enough I would eventually get down to the gravel. I got impatient and spun the wheels faster smoking them like crazy while the engine roared. In the middle of the noise and smoke, a tire exploded and the truck jumped and deflated. I had blown out a tire.

    Dad wasn’t happy with me for a long while because the truck went to the shop and we had to pay a lot of money to get them fixed.

    At the very least, I never made these mistakes again.

  • Skunk@jlai.lu
    2 months ago

    An arcade center VR headset.

    This was in the 90s or early 2000 when VR was non existent to consumers. During holidays visiting the US we ended up in this arcade center, probably in LA, where they had circled booths with an old FPS VR game that you play standing up. The headset looked like a helmet and was plugged from the top.

    During my game, I turned on myself (360 no scope style) so much and always in the same direction that the cables got tangled and finally broke, probably with a little spark and some electrical sound. Game over.

    As a French preteen, my English was bad and all I remember is the “shiiiiiiit” the worker said when he looked at the headset and cables.

    Sorry buddy 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • MoonMelon@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Was it this thing? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtuality_(product)

      I paid $5 USD as a kid to play this thing at the mall, which was a fortune to me, but I loved stuff like this so much I thought it was worth it. The game was so shitty I couldn’t even tell wtf was going on or what I was supposed to do. Just randomly floating through a sea of polygons until the guy said time was up.

      • Skunk@jlai.lu
        2 months ago

        Yeah it looked a lot like the first picture in the Wikipedia article.

        I don’t remember the game but I couldn’t understand shit as well nor the graphic style.

  • Corroded@leminal.spaceOP
    2 months ago

    I also put our phone in a bucket of water. My dad asked me to hold it but I was already carrying a bucket of water so I just put it in the bucket.

    • tetris11@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      I worked briefly at dominoes. One day I parked my bike a little too close to the others and didn’t put the kickstand properly. It tipped over and dominoed five other bikes.

  • Zahille7@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I once broke my neighbor’s sliding glass doors with rocks.

    A neighbor kid and I were really stupid when we were 9-10 years old, and my next door neighbor’s house had been empty for a while because they rented it out. So we thought it would be a good of fun idea to go through the broken fence between our yards, and chuck the decorative rocks (pretty big ones, not pebbles) at the glass and make it shatter. We broke one open, and then another, then went inside to check out the empty place. We started to go at the third one when my brother came outside and heard the loud smashing.

    Cops were called, in the end both of us were very apologetic and told them everything.

  • MonkderDritte@feddit.de
    2 months ago

    Our barnstable. I burned it accidentally. About half a million damage. Though the new barnstable was an upgrade.

  • FireWire400@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    As a kid, I kinda had anger issues and would get frustrated easily. I broke the screen of my GBA SP by throwing it against a wall after not being able to solve a room in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Similarly, I threw my iPod Touch on the floor after losing in a game called Bad Apples which broke the glass but the iPod itself still worked afterwards.

    I really wish I still had that SP, as replacing the screen isn’t that hard. It even was a limited edition one as well…