• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWait what
    6 days ago

    Nah, it was my handwriting, used the same lingo and joke I remember using at the time, took up most of the board… which is why I was so shocked it hadn’t been erased.

    Most of the time people wrote on it, they were gracious with the space.

    Due to typing far more often than writing, and many years later me figuring out oh haha I’m actually naturally left handed, my writing is a fairly uncommon kind of small cap block print, otherwise I am basically the only one capable of reading my non block print scribbles.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.ziptomemes@lemmy.worldWait what
    6 days ago

    I recently returned to a hole in the wall restaurant that I used to frequent in my college days. One of the few actual restaurants in the city that never closed.

    A decade later, a semi nonsensical scrawl about being kind and good to people I’d written on a dry erase board while quite drunk… was still there.

    It only needed minor updating to be more gender inclusive, which someone else had done without removing any of my writing.

    When I was frequenting this restaurant, the whole board was wiped every week or so.

    For some reason, what I wrote persisted for a decade.

    I couldn’t believe it.

  • Gatorade and its electrolytes are better than water for recharging and rehydrating after or during significant physical activity.

    Basically, you are correct that an appropriate amount of salts helps you rehydrate more quickly.

    You know what is even better for most people, if your daily caloric intake is not at Olympic levels?

    Pedialyte. No where near as much sugar thrown in, more Vitamins, less carbs.

    This article goes into it a bit more:


    Basically, Gatorade’s additional sugar and carbs mean that it makes sense if you are highly active, have a considerably above average physique, or actively drinking it mid work out or other strenuous activity.

    For more average people, pedialyte probably makes more sense.

    Especially if you are going to pick one to replace water.

  • You’ve got a horrible infection and a fever?

    I’ll be right over to slit your veins and let all the bad blood out.

    (In fairness I think bloodletting was mostly out of practice by the time actual telephones existed, but lol joke)

    Maybe a more time period accurate one would be:

    Your foot hurts? You think its from a badly fit shoe. Ok. Ok. Come over tomorrow and we will stick your foot into the wildly overpowered and unshielded x ray scope and we’ll see what can be done.

  • This is nitpicking, but it was not so much invented as formally agreed upon as the true canon, the true theology.

    Many prominent Christians of the time and in the hundreds of years prior developed all kinds of alternatives to the Trinity.

    They were just formally made heretics at that point.

    And thats not even starting to get into the myriad of ‘Gnostic’ groups with sometimes radically different books and theologies.

  • The Jesus of the Bible also believed the Kingdom of God would be a literal Kingdom that would arise within the lifetimes of his followers.

    That is what happens when you actually read the Bible literally, instead of metaphorically.

    Also, I forget which Gospel it is, but one of them features a zombie apocalypse of the dead rising out of their graves when Jesus dies on the cross.

    Also, more to your original theme: Jesus was fucking homeless for his adult ministry.

    He and his followers just stayed at random people’s places who were sympathetic to his movement.

    He did not have a steady job, he was not a productive member of society and he certainly did not have a nuclear family.

    If Jesus was here today, he’d be shunned, starved, imprisoned, likely become a drug addict and die on the streets, and this would be by design and with approval of many of his most outspoken followers today

  • Dear sweet christ, I’ve been the manager of a medium sized non profits databases (everything other than finance because they’re special, as in using an overpriced wacky proprietary tool because they are used to it, oh and probably commiting fraud) and, as the author references, I have actually had one of the members of the board get a bunch of other people with 0 technical competence to try to get me to ‘implement blockchain technology’ on postgres.

    Non of those fucking morons could ever provide an actual project outline. None of these fucking morons even knew their own teams processes, and they would all change depending on team member asked and date.

    Not relevant to this story, but basically I am now disabled and living off of SSDI after being assaulted and seriously injured.

    I am 99% sure, after years of working with completely technically incompetent managers, I am never going to work in tech again.

    I would literally rather be poor, do uber eats delivery when I feel like it, and slowly build a video game, by myself, not even to make money, just to give my tech brain something to sate it.

    I am too autistic to be able to handle the constant stream of bullshit and social manipulation/pressure from everywhere I have ever worked.